Monday, August 29, 2011

Dear Emily

IIf I could kill you, I'd first start by taking you to Boston Market and making you gorge yourself on sausages, mashed potatos, turduckens, and meatloaf. Yes, this may sound delicious, but what you wouldn't know until 30 minutes later is that all of the food was made with bodily fluids of homeless men from Baltimore. And yes, they all had AIDS. Then I'd ICE you 180 times.. While you are drunk driving to the hospital to get a tetanus shot and and IV of hardcore vitamins, I'd run you over with an 18 wheeler full of duck eggs and vinegar. You would be stranded on the super highway in NJ while car after car ran you over and mixed your flesh with eggs and vinegar. You would be so scrambled, and covered in egg shells, that they would discard your body into a roadside ditch where werewolves would begin to lick your wounds and nibble at your nipples and sensitive bits. It would be painful. Then a mountain man would find your near-death body, and bring you back to his cabin, rape, then roast you. He would feed the leftovers to rats.
xoxo hANNAH

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